Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Opportunity Cost (in Accounting terms)

Imagine this... You have a nice little mobile phone. Its about a year old. The only problem you face is that the sound output isn't satisfactory. You come across an offer that a much better but a bit expensive cellphone was going at a discount. You think if you should give up your current phone for simply failing to stand up to your musical standards or continue with it 'coz hey the phone's always been there by your side. When your 2nd boyfriend dumped you for that hot girl or you dumped your 3rd boyfriend 'coz he couldn't stop leering at your best friend. The phones been your best buddy by connecting you to other people and helping you spread rumors about those guys... Hence after some more pondering and maybe some kinda emotional attachment to your old phone or merely the new phone not being worth giving your dear old phone up for, you finally decide to stick with the old piece. But after a week or so you start to get restless. You think you should have taken the new phone during that discount offer. But now a week later you realize its too late and the offers gone and now u will be stuck with your old phone.
Sounds familiar? Maybe not a cellphone but some other object. Or maybe a person as in you have a boyfriend who doesn't have time for you and then a much smarter guy asks you out but you decline as you don't want to dump your old boyfriend nor cheat on him 'coz you think you still love him and he will find time for you but even after a week's time he doesn't and then u regret not grabbing the opportunity (read: the smarter guy's hand).
Funny isn't it how being attached to something can be a loss-making deal? You knew it was time to move on but you're so afraid of change that you just cant let go. What do you do now? Try to be satisfied with the old cellphone or just go and get the new phone anyways? If you say get the new phone will you but the same piece that was previously at a discount or get some other handset this time?


Rahul Valia said...


Heres a solution. Take the new phone on hire purchase or installment basis. That way u can retain your old phone too and have a new one too without pinching ur pocket too much.

And talking bout boyfriends, the same logic applies. Have the old one , and the new one too. Like the proverbial, have ur cake and eat it too. :) What say ???


Unknown said...

well rahul, first of all thank you very much for the solution. i tried but u know cant quite cheat on my old phone. feel guilty. any solution for that feeling?