Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When you have nothing to do...

Yeah, these words pretty much sum up my activities for the last three weeks or more. Well you see when you are down with an illness like jaundice you don't have too many things to keep you busy at home all day long. All that you are capable of doing is sleep all day or rent out DVDs or paint your toe nails then wipe it off with a nail paint remover and then re-paint them or scrap random people on orkut or fill up one's blog with utter crap 'cause after all your brain has not been fed and then thank people who actually manage to read it ( of course, with due respect to YOU ) and eat absolutely nothing. No wonder one gets weak.

Anyways its been like a month now and I am running out of things to do that don't require any energy spending coz believe me one month of no fats, no proteins doesn't exactly spell He-man and studies is like the last thing on my mind right now. Although looking at the bright side I am glad I got this nice long vacation which comes to an end with the end of this month. Well deserved, but somehow I'm not happy that I'm getting well now.

Oh I'm going to miss waking up at 10:00 in the morning, watching downloaded old episodes of CSI for breakfast, watching some funny movie for lunch and orkutting all evening and then watching a nice scary movie for dinner and not retiring till 02:00 in the morning... Long live cellphones! I bet you feel jealous of me now but hey don't be. When you get jaundice and are this ill I'll envy you then and hey look at the bright side, there are still millions of people in this city who will never know what its like to have time to do nothing!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Love, friendship, etc.

Translated into our National lingo, that becomes Dil, Dosti, etc. Yeah I know , you probably think what kind of a girl am I to watch such a creepy movie. But before you think so, let me tell you it wasn't my idea. I know there are plenty of other good movies that I'd rather watch than that stupid little movie that claims to depict the life of a teenager in college.
What nonsense! I was a teenager too. In fact from a college where studies are considered as secondary aka Mithibai College. Yeah which is why you will find at least 10% of my college and classmates are celebrities. Right from those pathetic so called talent hunt participants and the hosts to the biggies like Kareena Kapoor. And our vain professors think we would believe them when they say that Kareena was a more sincere student than us. Yeah right.
Anyways I was talking about the movie and honestly there is nothing to say except you are lucky if you gave it a miss. And for those who are still curious take my word "Stay Away." This is like another one of those sermons I issue in public interest.