Saturday, January 7, 2017

How to lose a few pounds.

Now that I have your attention, I should clarify I'm not going to tell you my sad story of how I lost money in London. I'm going to tell you the secret to losing weight. Tips that no one tells you but, man, they work as hell. Excited? Yeah, so am I. I know with the beginning of the New Year and with a lot of you making resolutions about getting slimmer, you'd be pleasantly surprised to know that I'm not selling you any shady diet plans. All I ask is do you have the adventure in you to pick up any of the following?

1: For the Elite - Have you, the chubby SoBo-ite, ever wondered how that NoBo-ite at your work or college manages to stay slim always? I'll tell you how. All you have to do is catch a Virar local everyday, twice a day- a south bound train before you head to your destination and a north bound train before you get home. You will get better results if you catch the train and drop off at a random station such as Mira Road. Since you won't get any place to even stand on your 2 feet (forget about getting a seat), you'll get a good exercise just standing there and there's also a complimentary body massage in it for you. Darwin got it right, it's the survival of the fittest. As you learn to survive the ride, you'll grow fit along with losing weight.

2: For the Finance Professional- You are the blessed one. All you have to do is excel at your work and meet every compliance deadline there is to meet. Those late night sittings at work, the skipped breakfasts and dinners, the mental pressure of completing the work, the anger of the pissed off family who barely sees you, all of these are a blessing, believe me. 31st March closings are perfect time. You can start your warm up from Feb and by the time you reach the due date for filling the annual returns your non finance colleagues are going to be jealous of the inches you lost. That's not all,  you can try this at other times of the year as well. 30th June for the MNC employees, 17th October for the listed companies, 30th November for all others, 15th January for the VAT Audit, ...SOX compliance, Internal Audits, oh and did I mention all year round Tax Assessments. You'll be the slimmest looking person in your company getting the employee of the year award. Two birds with one stone.

3: For the Cheesy Chicks: So you have a loving boyfriend who adores you? Just perfect. All you have to do now is break up with him. Surprised? Well, hear me out. When you break up, you'll be too sad and heart broken to eat anything at all. Ditch all those people who say you should eat ice cream to make yourselves feel better. They are only jealous of you and don't want you to look pretty. Think about it. How could you indulge or even have an appetite when you are mourning your lost relationship. Just accept the heart break and give in to your lack of appetite and you'll be in better shape for the next boyfriend. And this benefits both you and your ex boyfriend. Wondering how? Read on.

4: Bira Blonde: This one is my favorite. Not the weight loss technique, the beer. All you need to do is check your weight in the morning, have 4 pints of Bira Blonde in the evening and check your weight the next day morning. I guarantee, you will have lost at least a kg. And this is how you will be helping your ex boyfriend. He could be getting sloshed post breakup and losing weight as he drinks up those pints, thinking of you. If you need company to try this one, I'm available.

5: The Last Resort- If nothing else works, adopt a little baby. As the naughty little one grows, you'll be exercising all day long, picking up his toys, cleaning his mess, running all over the house to make him eat, keeping an eye on him all the time and not to forget, the sleepless nights. You can repeat all these exercises every 2 hours. You'll also have little time to feed your own self while you're at it and you'll soon get to be the hottest mom at his school. This one is the toughest but also the most fulfilling. 

With these secret tricks, I wish you all the luck. I'm sure you will achieve your weight loss resolution. And even if you don't, hell, I'm not giving you any money back guarantees here. Try at your own risk. But when you do see the wonderful results, send me your before and after pics and I'll make you a celebrity right here on this blog.


Deepinder Singh said...

Bira needs to give you commission for this one.

Deepinder Singh said...

Welcome back to blogging. Cheers!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Kart said...

Only 5th one suits me!! ;) I'm already on it..

Chandra said...

Thanks everyone for reading through and the encouragement.

CJ da analyzer said...

Welcome back... C